Green Products - Energy and Water Saving Products
Everyone wants to be green but, with so many choices for products, consumers are often lost and don’t do anything at all. This is where we come in - along with quality products at competitive prices, we provide savings calculators, resources and a wealth of information on our website to help consumers select the right products based on their needs and see how they can be green, eco-friendly and at the same time save money. We show a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis for our featured products so that consumers can see that being green is not only good for our planet earth and the environment but also pays back.
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Renewable Energy Products
GreenEcoSavers, LLC is an Authorized Dealer for some of the largest distributors like AEE Solar, Soligent and BayWa r.e. Solar Systems. Through these distributors, we offer a full line of renewable energy products including solar photovoltaic (PV), solar thermal and wind power products from Sharp, SANYO, REC, SolarWorld, Mitsubishi Electric, Kyocera, Evergreen Solar, Uni-Solar, Kaneka, Suntech, Yingli Solar, Unirac, OutBack Power Systems, PV Powered, Xantrex, Southwest Windpower, SMA America/Sunny Boy, Fronius International, Enphase Energy, SatCon, MidNite Solar, Wattsun, Fat Spaniel Technologies and many more.
Green America Approved Business
GreenEcoSavers, LLC is proud to offer our customers products with the ENERGY STAR label.We are committed to continually improving our management of energy resources, which reduces both operating costs and related forms of pollution. We are proud to be part of the family of businesses who have also joined with ENERGY STAR.
Green America is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to harnessing the economic power of consumers, investors and businesses to promote social justice and environmental sustainability.
One way they do this is to help responsible consumers and green businesses find each other in the marketplace. Businesses displaying the Green America Seal of Approval have successfully completed Green America's screening process and have been approved to be listed as a socially and environmentally responsible —or green—businesses in their National Green Pages directory.
As a consumer, you can feel confident that business bearing this seal operate in ways that support workers, communities, and protect the environment.
Supplier Sustainability and Fair Labor Practices
The word “Green” is used synonymously with Sustainability and has a range of meanings from energy conservation, water conservation, recycling, eco-friendly materials for all applications. It has to do with considering the entire life-cycle of any product from cradle to grave and ensuring that the entire process has the least negative effect on the environment. We specialize in energy and water conservation products and when we choose energy saving products which are Green products as described above, we choose the ones that meet the following criteria: low energy consumption, long life, easy and safe to recycle and proven track record of the manufacturer of the product.
All of our suppliers are based in the USA and some of the products that we source from them are manufactured in other countries. We carefully screen all of our products to ensure quality, energy savings potential and UL listings, which are required by all local, county and state regulations for safe installation of products.
We review our vendors policies related to sustainability, environmental stewardship, fair labor practices and other important criteria along with keeping track of their performance. We want to ensure that our customers get the absolute best in terms of quality of the product, energy savings potential, low life-cycle, background of the manufacturer and their environmental stewardship profile.
We promote products manufactured in the USA from manufacturers who share our commitment and values related to sustainability and fair labor practices. A few of these exclusive products are listed below:
Sylvania Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Sylvania Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Sylvania LED Light Bulbs
SolarWorld Solar Modules
Schott Solar Modules